Corporate Sponsor Program

Embrace the Landmark’s storied past - and help shape its vibrant future.

The theatre isn’t just a place of performance—it’s a powerhouse of economic impact, contributing a stunning $9.6 million to our local economy annually.
This is your chance to make a real difference, to be part of something special.



  • Private tour of the Landmark for up to 20 guests.

  • 12 Tickets to a “Night at the Landmark” including tickets and VIP lounge admission.

  • 40 Weeks of marquee recognition.

  • 20% Discount on Broadway in Syracuse playbill advertising.

  • 50% Discount on Landmark Theatre rent for private events.

  • 9 Months of recognition in a Jefferson or Clinton Street window.

  • Two additional social media posts. Messaging and timing of your choosing.

  • Featured website recognition.

  • Annual thank you on social media channels.

  • Year-round recognition on lobby monitors during shows.



  • Private tour of the Landmark for up to 20 guests.

  • 8 Tickets to a “Night at the Landmark” including tickets and VIP lounge admission.

  • 30 Weeks of marquee recognition.

  • 10% Discount on Broadway in Syracuse playbill advertising.

  • 20% Discount on Landmark Theatre rent for private events.

  • 6 Months of recognition in a Jefferson or Clinton Street Window.

  • Two additional social media posts. Messaging and timing of your choosing.

  • Featured website recognition.

  • Annual thank you on social media channels.

  • Year-round recognition on lobby monitors during shows.



  • 20 Weeks of marquee recognition.

  • 10% Discount on Broadway in Syracuse playbill advertising.

  • 10% Discount on Landmark Theatre rent for private events.

  • 3 Months of recognition in a Jefferson or Clinton Street Window.

  • One additional social media post. Messaging and timing of your choosing.

  • Featured website recognition.

  • Annual thank you on social media channels.

  • Year-round recognition on lobby monitors during shows.



  • 10 Weeks of marquee recognition.

  • One additional social media post. Messaging and timing of your choosing.

  • Standard website recognition.

  • Annual thank you on social media channels.

  • Year-round recognition on lobby monitors during shows.

For more information on sponsorship levels and customized benefit packages, please contact Mike Intaglietta at 315.432.4420 or